Books for Catholic Kids- Advent, Christmas, & Feast Days for December
Check out this list for a huge list of books great for Advent & Christmas, as well as St. Francis Xavier, St. Nicholas, the Immaculate Conception, St. Juan Diego & Our Lady of Guadalupe, Fulton Sheen, St. Lucy, and the Holy Family.
Advent: Begins November 27th
My Book- All about Advent & Christmas: Sharing the Seasons of Hope and Wonder with Children
Printable Advent Wreath Candles (Spanish)*
Weekly Advent Reflection Slides (Editable for Google Classroom)
Advent & Christmas Videos (YouTube Playlist)
Advent Music Playlist (YouTube Playlist)
Sacred Art Visio Divina for Advent (Digital Resources)
Advent Family Traditions* (printable booklets about the Liturgical Year and December Feast Days)
Decorating for Advent (simple ideas for decorating your home for the Season)
Advent Today (Youth Group Activity)
Advent Prayer Ring* (printable Bible verses for each day of the Season)
Advent Prayer Cards for Each Sunday (Year C)*
New Liturgical Year Resources
The Liturgical Year Coloring Book*
Ideas for Living the Liturgical Year in the Classroom*
Liturgical Year Printable & Colorable Calendar (Review for Telos Art)
Liturgical Year (Feast Day! Board Game Review)
St. Ambrose coloring pages* (all ages)
Sweeter than Honey Psalm coloring pages* (all ages)
Immaculate Conception: December 8th
Immaculate Conception Block Print*
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen: December 9th
Ven. Fulton Sheen Activities* (all ages)
So, SO many activities under that tab!
Our Lady of Loreto: December 10th
Our Lady of Loreto Digital Scavenger Hunt (6th & up)
Juan Diego: December 9th
O Antiphons: December 17th-24th
O Antiphons Printable Coloring Books*
O Antiphons Bible Study & Creative Project (Digital Resources)
What Christmas Looks Like* Coloring Page
Peg Doll Nativity
Animals for a Peg Doll Nativity
Kid Made Peg Doll Nativity
A Stocking for Jesus*
Nativity Photo Booth
Advent & Christmas Videos
And just in case you are working ahead, here are a few resources for Epiphany!
Epiphany: January 6th (observed Sunday, January 8, 2023)
Epiphany Home Blessing Kit* (updated through 2026)
My Gift: An Epiphany Readers' Theater*
Gifts of the Magi Google Classroom Assignment