
Monday, September 9, 2013

Armor of God Decorations

Another year of CCD started yesterday!  We are all set for a year of learning and praying and growing.  No exciting news yet, but I will show you a peek of our decorations:

This year the theme is "Put on the Whole Armor of God!" from Ephesians 6.  I have already posted a few activities about the Armor of God here and here and here and will be posting about our Armor of God Boys' Retreat soon.

Here is the view coming down the stairs into our CCD hallway:
Foam swords, shield, and draped silver plastic tablecloths give a dramatic flair... the shield was from Hobby Lobby and the swords from Dollar General.

Flanked on both sides with pennants and posters about the "weapons" in the Armor of God.

 These posters are by North Star Teacher Resources.
 Then, first thing in the hallway is our Be Soldiers bulletin board.
...complete with some Armor of God resources, games, and books that will be added to throughout the year.
More pennants and shields and swords...

Speaking of swords, I got these on major sale (I think 90% off!) a while ago and stocked them away knowing that they would be useful.  I wrote "The Sword of the Spirit" on one side in Sharpie,
and "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword." (Heb. 4:12) on the other side.  At least when the boys are beating each other with these, they might get some Scripture through osmosis, right?
I haven't used these cute helmet of salvation foam cut outs yet, but I see a bulletin board in the future! These are from Hobby Lobby.
This cute poster is hanging in between our preschool and K/1 rooms.  (Made by Carson Dellosa)
And I also made some posters to go along with the theme:
and St. Michael is our patron Saint:
It's looking pretty good!  The catechists' classroom are also looking better than ever, each with their own flair.  These kids are in for a good year! :)


  1. Thanks for the ideas! They are great!

  2. I love the shield but I looked it up and think you probably meant to write Psalm 28:7?

    1. Some translations have minor differences in the numbering of the Psalms- I must have pulled this from a different translation.

  3. I love these shields!!!! I'm gathering resources to develop a unit starting at the end of April. Do you make these to order? I would love to add this to our classroom.

    1. No sorry, I don't! But feel free to use the idea to make your own!

  4. Can you give a tip on how you made the monstrance points symmetrical? I want to make these posters.

    1. I'm sorry I missed this comment! If anyone is trying in the future, I just used a yard stick and a pencil on the back of the gold posterboard. Started with a center point, then draw a horizontal and vertical line. Then I split into 45 degree diagonals, etc. After drawing all of the intersecting lines, I measured out from the center point the length of the rays and marked. So for example all the 90 and 45 degree lines might be 10" from the center, but then the lines in between are only 8" long. Splitting it from larger to smaller increments kept it pretty symmetrical!
      You could also get technical with a compass and a large square if you want to be more precise. :)
