Monday, August 27, 2012

The Creed + Tetris

Yes, you read that title right.  The Nicene Creed and Tetris. Curious?

This is an easy activity that can be used to help memorize groups of text, in this case, the Nicene Creed.

First step- Explain to a new generation what Tetris is.  Pull up a website or app if need be.  Or better yet, a circa 1992 game console.

Just kidding.  Knowledge of Tetris is not necessary, but it is a little cooler than saying "various shaped interlocking colored block puzzle."

Real step one- Print out the Creed file below, which separates each word into it's own row and column.  It takes up three pages, and works better if printed on cardstock.

Step two- color various shaped sets of rectangles.

Step three- cut out on the lines in between colors.

Step four- throw in a ziploc bag, shake up, and had to a kid to unscramble.  This is harder than it looks- for sets of squares this small, I would try 4th grade and up.  If you want to use it with younger kids, color larger blocks of squares.  It also might be handy to have a copy of the Creed nearby to check.
 Yay, Tetris! :)

Click here for a pdf of the APOSTLES Creed, per request. 


  1. Hi Kate! I'm glad you like the idea! I have not made it for the Apostles Creed- sorry! You could easily create the same idea using a table in Microsoft Word, which is how I created this one.

  2. Hello! After seeing your idea, I actually made one similar for the Apostles creed (Lutheran version). I would be happy to email you the PDF if you would like! :)

  3. Hi! Sure, I'd be happy to have another version to refer people to. You can email me at katherine (dot) bogner (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!

  4. Would it be possible for me to receive the Apostles Creed in the PDF? I was going to make my own, but if it's done, I'd appreciate having a copy. You can send it to Thanks!

  5. Hi! I've updated the post with the Apostles Creed (Catholic version, wording matching the USCCB). Thanks!

  6. Hi Katie,
    This has been very popular with the children I teach. I am taking your advice and making sets for other prayers, too. Thank you so much for sharing ALL of your beautiful and thoughtful work. You really are building the Kingdom with your creativity and artistic sense! May God bless you!

    1. I love that they have enjoyed it! Thank you so much for your kind words!

  7. Wow! A fantastic idea. I'm organising this for first thing Monday.

  8. I love this idea! It seems that maybe when you updated with the Apostle's Creed you took away the Nicene Creed? If you could have both on here, that would be great!

    1. The link for the Nicene Creed opens when you click on the image of the Nicene Creed :). The link for the Apostles Creed was added later, so it is just a link instead of the image.

  9. Thank you so much for the awesome idea for the kids!!
    God Bless you!

  10. This is wonderful. My third grader says he doesn't like doing it, but I can tell he's reviewing it a lot to figure out where he is and what he needs next. I'll probably do it again in a week or so for further review. (I'm such a mean mom!)

  11. Me and my son loved this idea so we gave it a try and we had a blast! Thanks
    may god bless you

  12. Thank you ... wonderful game...

  13. Fantastic idea! I'll use it as a review game! Thank you so much!
