Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Way of Light Adult (or Teen) Bible Study
Hey.  Psssst.  It's still Easter.  Did ya know?

My students and I are still discussing (and celebrating) Easter at school using our Way of Light Activities.

In my grown up life, I am talking about the Way of Light as well- this time with the fifity-ish folks that come every week to our Young Adult Bible Study.  It is such a blessing to gather with others to center on God's Word, the Sacraments, and fellowship.

When planning this session of the Bible Study with a dear friend, we threw around a few ideas, and Easter ended up being our hands-down choice.  We developed a study based on both the upcoming Sunday Mass readings during this Liturgical Season of Easter as well as The Way of Light.  We are so excited about the resulting study, and although we are already a few weeks in, we would like to share it here so that someone else can use it.

You could jump in and join us where we are this week (Study 3), or you can file the study away and save it for next Easter, or... you could print this puppy out and use it any time of the year.

Because folks, as Christians, we are an Easter people and alleluia is our song.
(I maybe stole that line from JP2 who stole is from Augustine...)

This study is formatted so that it could be used in several ways. Because of that, I think that it could be used for personal or group study, with an adult group like mine, or even with a youth group.

Here are the details:
-contains seven weeks of study, one two sided printout for each week
-centers around Sunday readings for Year B of the Lectionary (although you really could study these readings any year or anytime of year.)
-includes a list of the fourteen stations in the Way of Light on the back of each week's study along with Scripture References
-lists a theme, Scripture References, and focus on station(s) of the Way of Light for each week
-gives three discussion questions relating and connecting the readings and stations together
-has space for reflections and notes
-You can use all or some of the information, references, or questions.  There is lots of flexibility, which makes it a great fit for a varied group

You can click on any of the images below to download the entire seven week study.

Here is what a sample front page looks like:
and a sample inside page:
and a sample back page:

During this study we are using Lectio Divina, the practice of "Divine Reading" or praying through and with the Scriptures.  If you would like more info on Lectio Divina, this article would be a great place to start.

Click here for a document with guidelines for using Lectio Divina alone or with a group.  It prints out as four bookmarks on a page, perfect to cut up, share, and tuck in a Bible.

I'd love to hear how you are still celebrating Easter, and if this study finds a way to enrich you and/or a group that you are involved in!


  1. Katie,
    You are amazing! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. This bible study is amazing! Thank you for always sharing your wonderful ideas!

    1. :) Thank YOU, and you are very welcome!

    2. Thank you, thank you, thank you! At my ripe old age of 65 I'm still trying to completely use Lectio Divina with my bible reading. I plan to have your book mark in my bible. I also plan to share this with our Catechists (Elementary and Jr. High School Catechism Leaders) and encourage them to use this in their classes. Again thank you for sending this to me. Sandi, Lake Charles, LA

  2. i loved the bible study thanks for sharing
    Love and peace :)

  3. Thanks so much for such great ideas! I feel a little more prepared to teach my 7th graders!

    1. I'm so glad! :) Blessings on you and your students!

  4. Katie, do you have a formula for Lectio Divina with elementary age children?

    1. Hi Lou Lou! I have used the above Lectio Divina bookmark with Middle Schoolers and above, but have used the Lectio Divina concept with younger students where we read, think, pray, and discuss. I don't have any formal printables or lessons- but that is something I can keep in mind in the future. Do you have any requests? Would you like to see a book mark like above simplified for younger children? Suggested Scripture passages with notes of guidance for the teacher? I'd love to hear more about what you are looking for and maybe I can help!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I second Lou Lou's question!

    1. Hi Gwen! Check out my answer to Lou Lou and let me know more about what you were looking for and maybe I can help!

  7. Thank you Katie for ALL your resources! I teach a 7th grade PSR class and I am always using your resources to enrich my curriculum! God Bless!

  8. I just got hired as the full time 5th/6th grade religion (and grammar/vocab.) teacher at my kids' Catholic school. I have been out of classroom teaching for 12 years ( raising my six young kids) this is a huge adjustment for me. I can't believe what a gift your blog is going to be to me! I plan to scour and steal EVERYTHING!!!

    1. Congratulations on your new position, and I'm so glad that you found me! I hope you find lots of things to use in your classrooom!
